Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Please Don't Stop the Music"

Music is such a healing venue for me.  I am not sure what makes music so therapeutic, but let me tell you, my emotions are practically linked to music.  As much as I would like to say that I'm talking about classical Mozart, or deep healing instrumental intonations, I will be totally honest and say, that's not what I'm talking about at all.  The music I'm talking about is my go to music.  It's not even music that half the time I know who is singing/playing it.  I stick my "Pandora" on the Pop fitness station and BOOM!  there it is. At least of late, that's where it is.  Maroon 5, Britney Spears, Usher, Rihanna, Pink, get the point.  I love to blast the music.  I like it going straight to my ears so it has a direct channel to my heart, soul, mind.  I can turn my mood around in about 2 minutes, I can exercise longer,  I can conquer the world (or so I think) when the music is right. 

It's not always that music though.  Sometimes it's the soft stuff, or the emotionally touching stuff,  the whine of a violin, the singing of a clarinet, the bellow of a horn, the dancing of a piano.  Sometimes it's the words,  other times it's the pounding but always it hits me hard in the chest.  I have been stuck on this whole "connecting" thing lately and realized that music is a connection for me.  I can hear music and often a memory simulatiously occurs.  Often I can remember a year, a date, a moment.  It's powerful.

I also love music that hits my soul and gives me an emotion that's new, that sets a new experience, that prepares me for a change. A memory in my head that can be recalled at a later time for reminiscing or to bring back the experience like its new again.  Music can express feelings and intentions on a level that can't be reached another way.  Music can help your soul heal.

But really right now, music has been hitting me in a different way.  I enjoy that deep soulful music, but lately I LOVE the kick ass, make me want to run, dance, walk on water kind of music.  My attitude, my self confidence, my mood all is different when music is piped in.  I wish I could just walk around with headphones in all day, it would be interesting to see how I got through a day set to music.  Like a little soundtrack to my life. 

What's your soundtrack?  Would love to hear what makes you move right now...


  1. I have a pending playlist that I will share with you that is the reflection of my life for the last year. Rebekah is working on it for me. It truly is what makes me move in a spiritual, emotional and physical sense.

  2. I would live to hear it Diane!
