Saturday, December 30, 2017


A state of happiness and satisfaction:  Contentment

It's been a long time since I worked on writing.  I was reading through some old blog posts and realized how much I miss putting my words down.  Maybe because it's a new year, maybe because its just a good time, or maybe for no reason at all, I decided I am going to start writing again.  What a better place to start than with my word of the year...Contentment

In 2017 my word was Balance.  I have to say, I feel like I did a great job focusing on my balance for the year.  I had a good balance of health, friendship, family, personal time, work, and leisure.  I feel a lot of satisfaction with some new habits I have developed, some old habits I have changed and some new habits on the horizon.  Which brings me to my new year word of Contentment,

When I am thinking about a word I hope to focus on for the year, I take in many different factors.  Usually I try and focus on what I need in my life, what changes I am hoping to see, what emotional connections I am hoping to establish with others and myself.  This year I picked a challenging word for myself.  I guess I felt like I was up to a usual.  Contentment should be easy right?  Well, I think in a mind that never stops thinking and analyzing, and over analyzing and over thinking, contentment is a great challenge to accept.

I have a restless spirit of sorts.  Maybe my type A personality plays into that, or being the first born, or having a job that literally functions around productivity standards.  I suppose it could be my role models in life, or my drive to be better each day, my mother and father's competitive nature driven into my DNA.  Who really knows?  All I know is that Contentment is not something that comes easy to a restless spirit.  So, that seems like the perfect place to start a year.

I like the idea of feeling happy and satisfied.  I DESIRE to feel that way all the time, but find that most of the time I have placed judgement on myself and not allowed feelings of contentment to take over.  I think I'm ready though.  I am ready for the peace that allows me to take on challenges, new habits, friendships, jobs, family situations, EVERYTHING, with satisfaction and happiness.  A general peace of mind that I am right where I need to be at this very moment.

Anyone who knows me is aware that contentment will never be a lazy, gentle word for me.  No, I will continue to work to my highest self, I will continue with daily, monthly and yearly goals.  I will continue to live with passion, and drive and vigor.  I just want to do it with self acceptance, love and...well...Contentment.

Happy New year my dear friends and family.  Life is good, no matter where your journey currently resides.  Like a butterfly coming out of the cocoon for that first look at life, from a fresh new perceptive, go into the new year with your wings open and your heart ready.  It's going to be a good year, I just know it.