Greyson turns 14 today. The small little man who entered the world 3 weeks early, unlike Kayla who came out ready to take on the world, and Makenna who was looking for the nearest party, Greyson came out with his hand behind his head, leaning back with his knee crossed and asked "Hey, what's happening?" To say he is laid back is an understatement. He was a super easy baby, slept well, ate well, and was always happy. He spent his youngest years chasing after his older sister, doing anything she told him to do, and loving every minute of it. Then when Makenna was born a soft side of Greyson showed himself. He loved that baby like nothing else. He kissed her head often, gently touched her face and was always concerned about her well being. As he has gotten older nothing has changed.
Greyson is the peacemaker of our house. He hates drama, which is quite ironic because he loves acting, performing, singing and being on stage...he wants to be the class clown most of the time, and really puts on a good show. He likes comedy, humor and laughter. When the estrogen level of the house get a little too intense and overbearing Greyson is the first one to crack a joke and get everyone back on even ground. He is all heart, wrapped up in a comedian.
Let me step back though....Here is the thing about Greyson, he has a deep compassionate nature that always takes me by surprise. He will lend a hand, ear, and hug when needed. I am amazed at his patience and loving attitude towards his younger cousins. As I write this, he has invited a classmate to our house to help him practice the try out song for the musical. He is the first to volunteer to help out with friends, and strangers a like. I look at him and know that one day he will make an amazing husband, probably BECAUSE of his sisters and their torture.
Greyson is so talented as well, he has a natural ear for music, he plays the piano, all percussion instruments, sings, acts, and is quite the debater. (Ok, we often think Greyson will be a lawyer, he will argue ANY point, right or wrong, simply to prove he is right... a little of his Mama in him I think) Greyson loves to cook, and experiment, (mostly cuz he likes to eat). Greyson has the most infectious laugh..the Sacry Laughing Gene hit him hard and I love it. Sometimes at night I hear him laughing so uncontrollably in his room, that I get to laughing so hard I am crying...and I don't even know why he is laughing, I just know his laugh is wonderful.
I can't believe that Greyson is 14 already. Time keeps creeping up on me yet he'll be the first to give me a big old hug though and say "Don't worry mom, you may be getting older, but Dad is always older than you." Love that kid!
Happy Birthday to my Middle Man. Life has been grander with you in it!